Saturday, March 29, 2008

Potato and Rice get Pulled Over

Potato and Rice like to ride motorcycles. Both have been riding for quite a number of years now. Many years ago, early in Potato's riding career, he had a "small beginner's" bike. Rice had just bought a new bike herself, a "rice rocket" of course. Anyway, we both believe in safety first, this means riding pants, jackets, gloves, over the ankle boots and full face helmets. We also are both graduates of a motorcycle safety school. In fact, at the time, Rice was an instructor at one of the local safety schools. Perhaps you, the gentle reader has seen motorcyclists out there who do not take all the safety precautions that Potato and Rice observe. These people are known in the motorcycle community as "squids".

One day while riding in the local area, Potato and Rice saw many of squids out, two in fact were doing donuts on the road, and seemed to be waiting for others. Potato and Rice assume that the ones they were waiting for were the ones that a local PD had already pulled over.

Anyway, on the way home, Potato and Rice were riding down a main artery of the city and and made a right onto the major cross street near the Potato Patty. (that's Potato and Rice's house) Heading the opposite way was a local motorcycle officer who promptly made a left in front of Potato and Rice, and then a U-turn so that he was now facing the same direction as Potato and Rice. Rice knew right away as soon as the light turned green, Potato and Rice would be pulled over. Sure enough, the officer motioned for Potato and Rice to pull into a nearby office building's parking lot.

The officer asked Potato and Rice if they were riding with others, and both said no. The officer explained that there was a group of four or fiver riders doing stoppies and wheelies on the side streets nearby. Apparently, two had been caught, and other officers were looking for the others.

By now, another officer had arrived confirming the description of the two that got away :
"Riding blue sportbikes... Red jacket, multi color helmets" Potato and Rice looked at each other, and damn, they sure matched the description dead on. The First officer asked for ID, which Potato and Rice gave and was impressed that both Potato and Rice had "Mary One" license endorsements. By now, the Second officer had left, and another one showed up about 5 minutes later. During this time, the First officer was still trying to ascertain if Potato and Rice were the ones that the were looking for. He asked again, if we were doing wheelies and stoppies. Potato chuckled, and stated "I'm a 200 pound guy on a little 500cc bike, I don't think it's possible. In fact, if I could, I should get a medal...not a ticket." Rice then stated "I can't do those...I'm an Instructor for the MSF"

By now, the First officer was pretty sure that Potato and Ricer were not the ones the police were looking for. A Third officer showed up, since he was the one who gave the descriptions of the squids who got away. He didn't think Potato and Ricer were the right ones - and this was yet later confirmed by a fourth cop who had pulled two of the four missing squids over. The fourth cop asked (over the radio, to the Third officer) how old Potato and Rice appeared to be. The Third officer laughed and said (off radio, to Potato and Rice) "I don't want to sound insulting o you folks, but (gets back on the radio) "Oh yeah, they're OLD"...male, 30's, female 30's" The First officer then shook our hands and thanked Potato and Ricer for their cooperation. Great, so we're now officially old people; a Potato with sprouts coming from the eyes and dried up Rice.

Nonethless Potato and Rice were quite impressed by the level of courtesy extended by the officers that day. They were professional and very pleasant. To this day, whenever Potato and Rice pass the area where they got pulled over, they get a good laugh out of it. The typical conversation goes :

"That's where you got us pulled over!"

"No, that's where YOU got us pulled over!"
