Friday, May 1, 2009

Happiness is a Snack Chip

Recently, Potato and Rice went shopping beverages. While in the store, Potato had an epiphany of sorts. Potato and Rice call these moments "impulse buys". Potato places a bag of snack chips into the basket. Potato and Rice pay for their purchases, and head home.

Whenever there is a purchase of food or food related items, Rice unpacks and usually shoos Potato out of the way. This is Potato's way of helping best, by the way. So, Rice unpacks the beverages and places the bag of chips on the counter. Rice well knows that once she leaves the kitchen, it is Potato's signal that he once again can come into the kitchen without incurring Rice's "shoo shoo"-ing. Potato finds the bag of chips and settles down on the couch.

Rice, of course, is oh so curious about what exactly did Potato "impulse buy". It appears to be a bag of potato chips, salt and vinegar flavor. Potato takes a chip and chews on it thoughtfully. Rice watches the expression go from "curious" to "interesting" to "better have another to make sure" Potato seems to like the chips well enough, so Rice goes ahead and tries one. These are not potato chips at all. They, are in fact, PopChips. According to the package, they are neither baked or fried, but subjected to heat and pressure which causes the chips to "pop". Sort of a cross between a Pringles chip and popcorn. They are pretty good, by the way.

So, Rice starts reading the ingredients. Of course, the first ingredient is potatoes. But, down the list is rice flour. Apparently, the rice flour is used in the seasoning somehow. This leads to the following exchange :

Rice : Hey Potato! These chips are just like real life!

Potato : What? (incredulous look)

Rice : See, the RICE flour is part of the seasoning.

Therefore, you would just be plain and boring

Potato if you didn't have some spice in your life!

Potato : Oh Yeah? That also means that POTATO

is your backbone, your reason for being!

Now, who knew that snack chips were so prophetic?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Chips from Potatoes and Potatoes from Chips

So, many of you Rice-like gals out there are probably wondering to yourself, “How can we find a Potato of our own?” The answer, surprisingly, is easier than you think.

One day, Potato and Rice were out running errands. They had to stop by a drugstore to pick up a few things. While hunting and gathering through the store, they passed by a well dressed Rice-like young woman who was simultaneously juggling an armful of snacks, and talking on her cell phone at the same time. Potato and Rice gave each other the “Kids these days” look.

After the hunting and gathering was done, Potato and Rice put their items on the checkout line. As soon as Potato noticed a glint of snack chips, he asked Rice to put down the “order separator” bar to make room. As soon as the bar went down, so did a mountain of snack chips. There must have been at least 10 bags of various types of chips. And in the middle of this mountain of deep fried goodness? A large bottle of soda. Yes, it did indeed belong to the young woman Potato and Rice passed in the store.

Potato : (glances at woman) “Looks like someone’s having a party”

Woman : “Oh yeah, chips and soda…only the healthiest of foods”

Potato : (looking over the mountain) “Yeah…let’s go with that…MMm…Funyuns!”

Woman : (giggling) “Really? Are they that good?”

Potato : “I like Funyuns”

Woman : “Really? Wow…maybe I should get some more”

The woman then leaves the line and goes back into the snack aisle for more Funyuns.

Later, Potato and Rice have analyze the event.

Potato : “Where do you think she was going with all those chips? “

Rice : “I don’t know… maybe she was going to a party and someone called for a chip run”

Potato : “..and soda too. Why wouldn’t they just get a couple of large bags?” (pauses) “Is getting all those chips her way of making sure everyone gets what they want?”

Rice : “That does sound like my people”

Potato : (chuckling – Potato always chuckles when he has something clever up his sleeve ---) “Maybe she wanted to see what would attract a Potato”

Rice : “And you did influence her decision to get more Funyuns”

Potato : (enthusiastic chuckling) “Yeah, like she’s going to go out and start sprinkling Funyuns out on her lawn to see who shows up”

Rice : “Like you?”

Potato : (innocent look)

To this day, Potato comes home and has this sad puppy dog look on his face and says “Awww…no Funyuns on the lawn.”

Rice just sighs.